We will be temporarily closing both locations starting tomorrow, March 18th.
With the growing uncertainty of COVID-19, we feel it is in the best interest of our community, staff and members to temporarily shut our doors. This decision did not come easy. We are doing our best to assess the situation each day and will provide updates to our community via email, social media, and our website. We hope to re-open our doors soon but will be closed until at least March 30th.
Please know we are working on freezing membership accounts and extending any current package expiration dates.
If you have booked a session with us, we will return your services to your account. Details will follow in the days to come via email.
Thank you for your understanding. Together we will push through these challenging times and our community will come back stronger and healthier!
Wishing you all the best and we will miss you. Stay healthy and safe!
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at hello@degreewellness.com and stay connected with us on social media for the latest information and remember that together, we are strong!
The °degree Wellness Team