Pain & Inflammation Services at Degree Wellness

You’ve spent years trying to manage chronic pain and inflammation when what you really need is proven relief. If you’re tired of the ineffectiveness of conventional pills and pain relievers, you’ve come to the right place.

A Full Body Cryotherapy or Cold Plunge session at Degree Wellness takes just 3 short minutes to reduce pain and inflammation and increase endorphins to free you from pain. Have a specific problem area? Localized Cryotherapy delivers cryogenically cooled air directly to specific joints, penetrating deeper into the layers of tissue to increase blood circulation, alleviate pain and speed-up recovery.

Often times, heat is used as an effective pain reliever and no heat is as effective as the Infrared Sauna at Degree Wellness. Specifically, the Mid Infrared (MIR) wavelength, penetrates deeper into the body’s soft tissue, targeting inflammation to decrease pain and muscle spasms and speed up the healing process.

If a massage sounds more your speed, we encourage you to experience the Compression Massage of The PULSE Recovery System by Normatec. Using a patented pulse massage pattern of compressed air, The PULSE Recovery System massages your arms and legs, mobilizing blood flow and speeding recovery.

Degree Wellness also offers Celluma Light Therapy. A unique low-level light therapy proven to decrease inflammation and ease muscle and joint pain, stiffness, spasm and arthritis by repairing compromised tissue cells.

At Degree Wellness, it’s not about getting back to your old self.
It’s about stepping in to a totally new, pain-free you.